Contributing to StyleHUB

Since v1.1.8, Graycrown has introduced extreme customizability with custom CSS. Here is how to make one and submit.

1. Make a CSS file in your machine.

First, you must make a CSS file. Name it whatever you want, as long it ends in .css. Then, copy this template to proceed.

:root {
    --main-color: #1d1d1d;
    --main-hover-color: #2e2e2e;
    --main-selected-disabled-color: #3f3f3f;
    --main-text: #fff;
    --play-color: #16c716;
    --play-color-hover: #2ae42a;
    --stop-color: #ff0b0b;
    --stop-color-hover: #ff2323;
    --download-color: #0362fc;
    --download-color-hover: #1e71f7;

You can customize on every aspect you want. For example, to tweak Graycrown's .button class widely used as Graycrown, embed this to your CSS file.

.button {
    border-radius: 20px !important;

Every modifications you make to Graycrown styling, you MUST add !important, or else Graycrown ignores the changes you make!

PROTIP: You can also add @font-face CSS parameters to add custom fonts to be used as header fonts or body fonts!

2. Copy your custom-made CSS to the styles folder

To ensure everything you made is right, copy or move your CSS to the Graycrown styles folder. On Windows it can be done by going to %appdata%/graycrown/styles. On Linux, it can be done on ~/.config/graycrown/styles. If you have running instances of Graycrown, you must refresh or restart Graycrown. After that, go to the Settings tab. If you see your style name appear on the drop-down list, that means you have put it correctly.

Click one of the styles, refresh Graycrown, there you go! You can still modify your style at this point. Save, then reload.

3. Submitting your styles to the store

After you are fully satisfied with your style and want to show it, please email me at Copy paste this template to begin.

Name: Name of Style
Description: Describe your style
Image: https://url.of/your/image.png

You must upload the CSS file also. After it is sent, please wait for around 6 hours to process and review (start from 6AM WIB until 9PM WIB (GMT+7)).

We will notify you when your style is on the store.

Last updated